Do you have a missing tooth that is making you hesitant about smiling? Missing teeth can be a result of injury, tooth decay, or a genetic condition. Regardless of the cause, you can make adjustments or replace the lost tooth to enhance your appearance. There are several tooth replacement methods available to address the problem of missing teeth.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are a replacement method that you can use if you need a single tooth or multiple teeth replaced. It is an invasive treatment that requires the oral surgeon to mount a titanium metal frame or post in the lower or upper jaw. They will then mount the replacement tooth on the implant to ensure it remains intact. The function of a dental implant is to offer a permanent base for tooth replacement.
Pros of Dental Implants
The main benefit is that the tooth resembles your natural teeth and can last many years. Another benefit of a dental implant is that the procedure does not involve the adjacent teeth, which means the other teeth will remain intact.
Cons of Dental Implants
It is invasive, so you will need to be healthy for surgery and quick recovery. The healing process may take some months. Another disadvantage is that the dentist will not attach the tooth until the implant heals completely. The procedure can also be expensive, although your insurance may help to cover it.
Removable Partial Denture
Partial denture refers to an appliance with a pink base that has artificial teeth attached to it. In case you need a replacement for all or most of your teeth, Dr. Kathryn Swan may recommend complete dentures. However, if you require replacement for one or multiple teeth, you are a good candidate for removable partial dentures. The natural teeth hold the plastic base.
Pros of Partial Dentures
They feel and look like natural teeth. They are also a cheaper means of teeth replacement. Additionally, they can be removed at your convenience.
Cons of Partial Dentures
Before adjusting to wearing partial dentures, they can feel uncomfortable. You must remove your dentures daily and clean them. Also, you cannot sleep with them, as this increases their susceptibility to damage.
Fixed Dental Bridge
A fixed dental bridge is effective for missing one or several teeth around the same area. Those who do not want dental implants or dentures should consult with a dentist to determine if you are a good candidate for the fixed dental bridge. A fixed bridge’s work is to close a missing tooth gap using an artificial tooth or dental prosthetic.
Pros of Fixed Bridge
One benefit is that they look and feel like natural teeth. They also improve your teeth’ appearance, and they are a cheaper alternative to dental implants.
Cons of Dental Bridges
Cleaning is a bit complicated. Also, a bridge that is not fitted well may lead to the damage of adjoining teeth. Bacteria and plaque may also seep under the bridge leading to infection or tooth decay.
Contact the Experts
If you are in need of a tooth replacement, Swan Orthodontics is here to help. Dr. Kathryn Swan is an experienced, board-certified orthodontist who is passionate about the work she does. To schedule a consultation with us, call (616) 698-2323 or fill out an online form today.